This note is to advise members, adherents and anyone sympathetic to the work that the church does in the community, how they can contribute .
1. Standing Orders: Whilst many of our supporters already give regularly by standing order, we would encourage others to do so and a mandate form can be found here:
The sort code for the Bank of Scotland general account for Edzell Parish Church is 80-12-66 and the account number is 00322820. The SCO (charity) number for the Church is SCO13105, which you will need if you are kindly completing a Gift Aid form, as a UK tax payer.
Our Treasurer, Tim Ambrose (Tel 01356 622286 and e-mail can assist further, if required.
2. Internet Banking: Anyone who undertakes internet banking can also give their offering via the congregation's bank account.
3. Freewill Offering : If you would rather not make your offerings in any other way , please simply put your normal cash (or Cheque) offering in the plate at the Church on Sunday.
4. Gift Aid: Anyone who has not signed a Gift Aid declaration form is encouraged to do so. An information leaflet including a declaration form can be found here:
5. Online Donations:
Although not yet live, the Church of Scotland will shortly be setting up an online donation facility which enables donors to give to their local congregation through the national website. This will offer a safe and secure online platform for members, and indeed anyone else in the community, to continue to support the church financially. Donors will be able to direct their offerings and donations to their chosen congregation, which can then be tracked and transferred to our bank account.
We thank everyone for their on-going support of Edzell Church.